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dc.contributor.authorSaiful, Saiful
dc.identifier.citationSTIMI Samarindaen_US
dc.description.abstractThis research was made with the aim to find out how the role of innovation management in solving the problem of implementing green economy development in East Kalimantan by utilizing the progress of science and technology in the Revolution 4.0. The method used is the study of interview, observation, and literacy by bringing together theories or constructs built from the results of previous research and supported by relevant literature. Scope of study in East Kalimantan Province. The data obtained were analyzed by qualitative descriptive way used Spradley model. The results of the study confirm that the use of innovation management with the support of science and technology is very important in the Revolution 4.0 to realize green economic development in East Kalimantan.en_US
dc.publisherLPPM STIE Nusantara Sangattaen_US
dc.titleInnovation management to support development of green economy in east kalimantan in the revolutionary 4.0en_US

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